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Thank you very much to everyone who attends our Sunday services online and watches our recorded worship services. Over the last 3 weeks we have had issues with our camera connecting to Zoom. We are working to fix this technical issue as soon as possible. 

As a result of the issues with the camera, we have had interuptions to our recordings. For services that we were able to record in part, we will review the footage to see if there is enough to post on our YouTube channel and our website. We hope to return to our full recordings quickly and thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Now that we have moved over to our new website, Michelle will be adding links to our past services, so that you can watch them here on our website or directly on YouTube. We have quite a large collection of recordings, and it will take some time to get them all listed here. Please check out Rev. Jordan's YouTube page for the full list of videos available to watch.