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Good Shepherd Anglican Church has partnered with Boyle Street Community Services to participate in Belonging Centres. Every Monday and Tuesday from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM we will be hosting a Belonging Centre where members of the community are welcome to drop in, warm up, enjoy the company of others, and receive support in accessing appropriate resources. We have a growing group of Friendship Volunteers, who share their time in 2 hour shifts, to develop fellowship with people who drop in for the Belonging Centre. A Friendship Volunteer is someone who enjoys coffee hours after church, meeting new people, sharing hobbies and life experiences, bringing snacks to potlucks, and maybe even teaching simple tasks and skills. Boyle Street staff will always be onsite during our Belonging Centre days to answer questions, de-escalate any problems that might arise and to help connect visitors with services to help support their needs.

If you are interested in becoming a Friendship Volunteer please reach out to Archdeacon Jordan at